My name is Kate, and I love to get my DIY on. It'd be an exaggeration to say I've been crafting since the womb, but it wasn't long thereafter.
By the ripe age of four, I was writing and illustrating children's books, generally around themes of dinosaurs with broken bones. (I still find it hard to believe that no publishers were interested in these masterpieces.)

By ten years old, I was transforming capri suns into purses, bottle caps into earrings, and duct tape into wallets. By high school, I'd picked up knitting, cross-stitch, and sewing. My early years of crafting culminated in the capstone project featured to the right: a dress made out of pop tabs. (Do you like how I paired my pop tab dress with pop tab jewelry? I thought you might!)
These days, I fill my leisure hours during evenings and sunny Saturdays crafting for the pure pleasure of crafting... The results of which I'll be sharing with you here. Happy crafting, y'all!